2022-2023 Traffic Plan

Drop-Off - Monday-Friday, drop-off is after 7:30.  Students may come into the building at 7:35 for breakfast, to go to their lockers, and then go to first period.  Students should NOT be dropped off before 7:30 UNLESS they are part of the Before Care Program with Innovation Learning.  You may find the information for Innovation Learning at this link Innovation Learning


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday

On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, dismissal is a 3:24.  Please DO NOT arrive before 3:20.  If traffic congestion becomes a problem, we WILL ask parents to leave and return at the appropriate time.  The best time to arrive to avoid traffic and congestion is between 3:35 and 3:45. 


On Wednesday, dismissal is a 1:30.  Please DO NOT arrive before 1:30.  If traffic congestion becomes a problem, we WILL ask parents to leave and return at the appropriate time.  The best time to arrive to avoid traffic and congestion is between 1:35 and 1:45. 


 ALL 6th Grade and 7th Grade students should be dropped off and picked up behind the buildings.  Please pull ALL THE WAY DOWN to the spots indicated behind the Hybrid Building.  We are trying to be good neighbors to our community and that requires that we NOT block traffic for them.  Arriving on time (not early) and pulling all the way down will help tremendously with traffic congestion.  The way to get to the back of the building is to turn onto Executive Court from Markham and follow the road to our Middle School.  Please see the map that is included - the line marked in PURPLE is the one to follow for 6th and 7th graders!


All 8th Grade students AND siblings of 8th Grade students should be dropped off and picked up in front of the buildings.    Please pull ALL THE WAY DOWN to the spots indicated in front of the Hybrid Building. We are trying to be good neighbors to our community and that requires that we NOT block traffic for them.  Arriving on time (not early) and pulling all the way down will help tremendously with traffic congestion.  The way to get to the front of the building is to turn onto Corporate Hill Drive from Markham and follow the road to the Middle School.  Please see the map that is included - the line marked in BLUE is the one to follow for 8th graders and their siblings!


School Traffic Plan